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China in April: Weather, Top Places to Visit & Travel Tips

Marked by the blooming flowers and rising temperature, April is generally the best during the springtime. In most places of China, April is the peak season for tourists. It is the ideal time to visit China. However, it is hard to describe the weather of China in April, as the country is so vast. In the same April, people wearing a bikini, lie on the beach of Sanya, while it may snow in Jiuzhaigou, Western Sichuan. The temperature varies a lot in China. But generally speaking, it is the best month to visit China and start a Spring hike on the Great Wall, Yellow Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Guilin, etc. You can always find a popular destination in China in April. Continue to read the following to learn more about the weather in April and top-recommended sites in China.

Note: As one of the most important traditional Chinese holidays - Qingming (Tomb Sweeping Day) always falls in April, in these days Chinese people travel a lot to pay respect for their ancestors, so be aware of the possible crowds.

China Temperature in April China Temperatures in April (Click to Enlarge)

China Weather in April

The territory of China is very vast, including the densely populated plains in the east, board grasslands in the north, hilly and mountainous landscape in the south, and rising highlands around Himalaya ranges. Even in the same time, the temperature, humidity, and daylight time are very different in different places. Here, we have some major provincial cities and popular scenic cities listed according to their locations with detailed weather info offered for your reference.

Area Cities
Weather & Climate
Northern China Beijing, Xian(Shaanxi), Shandong, Luoyang(Henan), Pingyao(Shanxi) and other places Avg Temperature: 8°C~22°C
Mild, Dry and Windy: Northern China is mainly in the temperate climate zone with monsoon and continental climate. In April, the temperature is very comfortable during the daytime. The region also receives a little more rainfall in April.
Eastern China Shanghai, Huangshan(Anhui), Hangzhou(Zhejiang), Suzhou(Jiangsu), Nanjing and other places Avg Temperature: 12°C~22°C
Warm, Mild, Windy, Drizzling: Most of southeast China belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone. The average temperature of cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River doesn't differ much. Spring drizzles often occur, therefore umbrellas are necessary for traveling.
Southern China Guilin(Guangxi), Zhangjiajie(Hunan) and other places Avg Temperature: 8°C~24°C
Cloudy, Drizzling, Mild, Temperature Differences: Both Guilin and Zhangjiajie have a subtropical monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons. Spring in Guilin is mild and it is very comfortable in April and a little bit cold at night at the mountainous area. The average altitude of the Zhangjiajie scenic area is 1000 meters, and due to the difference, the temperature difference between day and night can reach 10°C.
Southwestern China Chengdu (Sichuan), Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and other places Avg Temperature: 10°C~24°C
Pleasantly Warm, Cloudy, Comfortable: Most areas of Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou provinces belong to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, while the higher altitude areas belong to the alpine plateau climate zone. The average temperatures in Chongqing, Chengdu, and east Sichuan are pretty much the same. Guizhou and Yunnan are mountainous with a similar climate. It is still a little cold in early April. Visitors are recommended to bring umbrellas for the sudden drizzles.
Northwestern China Gansu, Xinjiang, Ningxia and other places Avg Temperature: 5°C~22°C
Sunny, Cold to Warm, Dry: Most of the provinces and cities in this region are in the temperate continental climate zone. The early April is still very cold. The climate in April is characterized by a large temperature difference between day and night, less precipitation, heavy wind and sand, and strong ultraviolet. It is recommended to bring extra layers, sunblocks, dusk masks, etc.
Southern Coastal China Hong Kong, Guangzhou (Guangdong), Shenzhen, Macau, Hainan, Xiamen and other places Avg Temperature: 18°C~28°C
Warm, Cloudy, Windy: Most of the region belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone, partially belonging to the tropical monsoon climate zone. In April, the high temperature can reach around 30 °C, especially in the late month. By mid-April, with the increase in temperature, the first thunderstorms occur.
Northeastern China Harbin (Heilongjiang), Jilin, Shenyang (Liaoning) and other places Avg Temperature: 0°C~12°C
Cold to Warm, Windy, Dry: Most of Northeast China belongs to the temperate monsoon climate zone. The temperature increases rapidly. The spring comes late in April and precipitation usually occurs not very often.
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Qinghai, Tibet Avg Temperature: 1°C~17°C
Variable, Cold, Sunny, Windy, Dry: Most areas of Qinghai and Tibet are located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which belongs to the plateau mountain climate zone. The temperature has increased a lot in April. It has a large temperature difference between day and night: it can be very cold especially at night, while the days can be sunny and mild. If you would like to visit Nyingchi, the climate there is more related to the Western Sichuan climate. Remember to bring sunscreen always even you do not feel hot.
Inner-Mongolia Inner Mongolia Avg Temperature: 4°C~18°C
Short, Mild, Arid, Windy, Regional Sandstorm: Due to its elongated shape, Inner Mongolia has a four-season monsoon climate with regional variations, most of which belong to the temperate continental climate. The east and northeast parts are mostly grasslands, while the west part is mostly deserts and gobis. The temperature difference between day and night is large in desert areas; However, the grassland area is cooler and the temperature difference is smaller, the climate is milder than the middle and western part.

What to Wear in China in April

It's hard to say the most suitable clothes to wear in April in China, for this country has a wide range of weather conditions in different areas. On the same day, people may wear T-shirts in Guangzhou, while people in Harbin haven't taken off their down jackets. As the temperature has become a lot warmer than the wintertime, usually, shirts, long skirts, sweaters, windbreakers, casual clothes, jackets are recommended for the central areas. If you are going to visit these cities with large temperature differences or high altitudes. Sweater, down jacket or down coat, winter pants, hat, scarf, and gloves are suggested, like Xinjiang and Tibet. And if you are heading to the mountainous areas or rainy sites in southwestern China, comfortable hiking shoes and raincoats are needed. Visiting places like Hainan, and Gansu requires sunblock items for the ultraviolet radiation is strong, while going to some area inner Mongolia and Beijing need a bring a mask and skincare product for the dry weather. For more detailed info about the weather and advisable packing listed for the certain destination of your China trip, feel free to send your inquiry to our professional travel consultant.

8 Best Places to Visit in April in China

No.1: Great Walls

- Historic World Wonder clothed in Pink

April is the best time to visit the great walls in the suburban area of Beijing. The temperature is comfortable and the rain doesn’t occur very often, and what’s special about the great walls in April - the mountains around the great walls are dotted in pink and purple, which forms a romantic spring scene. Mutianyu is the top-recommended section on TripAdvisor for all seasons. Traveling in spring, you can take the S2 train to the most famous Badaling Great Wall. Beside the blossoms you can see at the Badaling section, the S2 train is nicknamed, “a train bound for spring” for the beautiful peach and pear blossom along the railway to the great wall. Not far away from the Badaling Great Wall, the Juyongguan Great Wall is also well renowned for the blooming spring scenery. Other less touristy great wall sections like Simatai, Jiankou, Jinshanling, Gubeikou, the lakeside Huanghuacheng are also very good alternatives.

Top-Recommended Great Wall Tour in Spring:
4 Days Classic Beijing Tour Package with Great Wall

China in April Great Wall in Spring

No.2: Guilin

- Idyllic Fairyland of Rustic Fields and Picturesque Karst Landscape

Known for its breathtaking karst landscape and idyllic scenery, Guilin comes back to life with blooming flowers and budding leaves, and it is the best time to appreciate the peach blossoms and rapeseed flowers in Guilin. Either cruising along the picturesque Li River or biking along the rustic road along Yulong River, you will be able to see the greenish mountains and yellowish fields. The temperature is between 16°C to 23°C. It is very pleasant with occasional rainfalls, so bringing some rain gears is necessary. During the night time or morning, it can still be a little cold, so you are recommended to bring some extra layers. As the rainfall nourishes the vegetation, the mountains and rivers are veiled in the mist, which has made Guilin more mysterious. Uphill to the Mt. Xianggong to capture the panoramic landscape, roaming around Ten-Mile Gallery to discover the detailed rustic beauty, taking a bamboo raft leisurely, and staying at Xingping Ancient Town for the dawn Silhouette, you have way more things to explore...

Top-Recommended Guilin Tour in Spring:
3 Days Classic Guilin Tour - Guilin Brief Vacation

China in April Panoramic View of Guilin in Spring

No.3: Zhangjiajie

- The Real Avatar World in Reality with Thrilling Glass Bridge

Spring is the best time to visit Zhangjiajie, the “Avatar” world in reality, and April is the golden period to take a spring hike there. The temperature has increased a lot since March. Generally, it is warm, mild, and humid. Although it can be still cold in the mountain area at night, the average temperature during the daytime is about 20°C, pleasantly warm for you to do some things here. Among all these mountainous sites, the “Hallelujah Mountain” is the prototype of the most famous Avatar floating mountain. Besides, the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is a place where you can take the courage to step on the transparent walkway and overlook the vast grand canyon. If you are a nature lover, hiking along the golden whip stream in the lush forest and blooming wildflowers, or boating on the emerald Baofeng lake with picturesque scenery on both sides of the river can be a memorable relaxing experience. Also, do not miss the panoramic view from the longest passenger cableway of high mountains in the world - Tianmen Mountain Cableway. 

Top-Recommended Zhangjiajie Tour in Spring:
3 Days Classic Zhangjiajie Natural Wonders Tour

China in April Zhangjiajie in Spring

No.4: Three Gorges

- Cruise Over the Poetic Scenery and the Greatest Dam in the World

Spanning from the western upriver cities of Fengjie, Yichang in Chongqing to the eastern downstream to Huibei province, Three Gorges, namely Qutang, Wu, and Xiling gorges stretching 311 km along Yangtze River, in the hinterland of China, and spring is the most vibrant season to visit three gorges in bloom. Taking a cruise ship leisurely sailing along Yangtze River, you can see the picturesque landscape, golden field of rapeseed flowers, peach blossoms decorated mountains, etc. As the only navigable grand gorges in China, you can take a cruise ship and leisurely sailing through them. The iconic landmark of Yangtze River, Kuimen Gate is the banknote image on China CNY 10 cash. As you sailing by the most beautiful Wu gorge, the Shennong Stream and shennv stream are the highlights of it. Then the Xiling gorge, the longest one of them is where the largest hydropower project in the world, three gorges dam is located.

Top-Recommended Three Gorges Tour in Spring:
4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

China in April Cruise Ship Sailing through Three Gorges in Spring

No.5: Luoyang

- Peonies in Bloom and Long Grottoes in Awe

As one of the four great ancient capitals of China, Luoyang is located on the central plain of China, known for the stunning ancient caves - Longmen Grottoes and the iconic event - Luoyang Peony Festival. About 15km from the downtown area, the Longmen Grottoes ranks first among China’s grottoes, covering an area of 30,000 square meters, containing over 100000 Buddhist statues and it has taken over 400 years to build with the largest Buddha of over 17 meters and the smallest one of only 2cm tall. The Peonies, the city flower of Luoyang, bloom luxuriantly in Spring and come to full bloom in April. To celebrate the cultivation of peonies and have flower appreciation fairs, Luoyang people host it every year and nearly 20 million tourists have visited the festival in 2014. The recommended sites to see the peonies are Luoyang International Peony Garden, Chian National Flower Garden, Sui and Tang Dynasties Town Botanical Garden, etc. Most of the gardens are conveniently located in the downtown area. There are mainly 3 blooming periods of the peonies in Luoyang, which are around April 10, April 15, and April 20. If you happen to be Luoyang in April, you can not miss the charming peonies.

Top-Recommended Luoyang Tour in Spring:
3 Days Luoyang Peony Culture Festival Tour

China in April Longmen Grottoes in Spring China in April Beautiful Peonies in Luoyang

No.6: Weifang

- Countless Kites Flying over the Eastern Coastline

Weifang, located in the central Shandong Peninsula has a mild and comfortable temperature in Spring. As a city close to the sea, Weifang is very windy in spring, therefore kite flying is a tradition among the local people there. In 1984, the first international kite festival was held in Weifang. More than ten thousand kite fans attended the opening ceremony including kite lovers from many other countries. Since then, the international kite festival has become the annual event of Weifang. It is usually held on the third Saturday in April and lasts about half a month, on the northern coast of Weifang city. From traditional kites to some oddly shaped novel kites, you can find all kinds of kites in Weifang. Besides buying a kite and keep this memory, you can also try to fly a kite, join the Kite Festival Opening Ceremony, learn to make a kite of your own in the folk culture village, or visit the World kite Museum there.

Top-Recommended Weifang Tour in Spring:
3 Days Weifang Kite Culture & Festival Tour

China in April Weifang International Kite Festival

No.7: Xishuangbanna (Yunnan)

- Tropical Water-Splashing New Year of Ethnic Yunnan

Located in the south of Yunnan Province, bordering both Myanmar and Laos, Xishuangbanna is rich in nature, historical and cultural resources, and noted for the folklore, rain forests, wildlife, ethnic groups, and diverse food. Traveling Xishuangbanna, it is very warm, humid, and comfortable. Unlike the Han people, people in Xishuangbanna celebrate their New Year, the Water-splashing Festival in April. It lasts for three days from April 13 to 15. Besides the water festival event, it also consists of some other events such as Dragon boat races, the firing of indigenous missiles, flying Kongming Lamps. So, why People there splash water on New Year Day? For many ethnic groups there, sprinkled water on one another is seen as a sign of respect and blessings, and the pouring and splashing water is to show good wishes and good luck for the coming new year. If you happened to visit Xishuangbanna in April, this event is definitely unmissable.

Top-Recommended Xishuangbanna Tour in Spring:
4 Days Xishuangbanna Tour with Tropical Flavor & Dai Culture

China in April Water-Splashing Festival in Xishuangbanna

How to Plan Your China Spring Tour

Spring is a good season to visit most destinations in China. You can plan a China spring tour based on your own holiday time, destination, personal hobby and budget, members of the group, etc. Labor Day holiday from May 1 is a peak tourist period you should avoid. Read on below guide for more inspiring ideas.

If it’s your first trip to China, then Beijing, Shanghai, Xian, Chengdu are the top classic destinations you may visit. Normally, 2 to 3 days are enough for each. For those who already visited them, the Yangtze River Cruise (4-5 days), Yunnan (Lijiang, Shangri-La, Dali, Kunming..., 5-8 days), Guilin (3-4 days), Zhangjiejie (3-5 days) are highly recommended palaces to make in-depth discovery of China. Suzhou, Hangzhou, Huangshan, Nanjing are popular side trip destinations from Shanghai. If you have a long vacation, you can travel to several destinations together. If you’re quite interested in spring flowers, Nyingchi Peach Blossom in Tibet and Wuyuan Rape flower are the most beautiful colors you may make a special visit. Depending on your private taste, there are many more choices for you to appreciate the spring blossom across China.

Most Popular China Spring Tours:

☛ 8 Days Best of China Tour (Beijing/Xian/Shanghai)
☛ 6 Days Best of Yunnan Tour (Lijiang/Shangri-La/Kunming)
☛ 7 Days Nature Tour to Yangtze River & Zhangjiajie
☛ 5 Days Classic Xian Chengdu Tour by High Speed Train

Travel China in Spring with China Discovery

To help you enjoy a worry-free spring trip to China, we highly recommend you travel with us China Discovery. Our experienced travel expert will help you arrange your trip sincerely. Our local drivers will escort you to the attractions with comfortable cars directly with speed and safety. And our English-speaking tour guide will accompany you all the way, show you the best highlights, so you can focus all your attention on the highlights. Whether you have planned places to go or have no idea, your China spring tour can be tailor-made according to your group size, time, physical condition, plan, interest, budget, etc. Please feel free to contact us if you need any help!

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Recommended China Spring Tours

Top 3 China Spring tours chosen by most customers to explore China Spring in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

Fobidden City in Beijing
4 Days Classic Beijing Tour Package (Leisure Paced)


Claire from UK - Li River
4 Days Guilin Highlights Tour (Li River, Yangshuo & Longji Terraces)

Guilin / Yangshuo / Longsheng

Relaxing Yangtze River Cruise
4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang

Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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