Qinghai Weather & Seasons - Best Time to Visit Qinghai 2023


Qinghai Province is located in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, far away from the sea, and belongs to the plateau continental climate. The features of its climate are long sunshine time, strong UV radiation, long winter, and cool summer; The diurnal temperature range is large; There is less precipitation and great regional difference. There is more rain in the east, dry and windy in the west, lack of oxygen and cold. The annual average temperature is affected by topography, and its general distribution is higher in the north and lower in the south. The annual average temperature in Qinghai Province ranges from - 5.1 ℃ to 9.0 ℃. The average temperature in January (the coldest month) ranges from - 17.4 ℃ to - 4.7 ℃, and Qilian (祁连) is the coldest area; The average temperature in July (the hottest month) is between 5.8 ℃ and 20.2 ℃, and Minhe (民和) is the hottest area. The area of Qilian mountain area and Qingnan plateau with an annual average temperature below 0 ℃ accounts for more than 2/3 of the whole province, and the warm Eastern Huangshui Valley and Yellow River Valley with an annual average temperature of about 6-9 ℃. The distribution trend of annual precipitation in the whole province is gradually decreasing from southeast to northwest. The annual precipitation in most areas of the province is less than 400mm. The annual precipitation in the Qilian mountains ranges from 410 mm to 520mm. The area of Jiuzhi(久治) and Banma (班玛) in the southeast is more than 600mm. The annual precipitation in Qaidam Basin ranges from 17 mm to 182 mm, and Lenghu is the area with the least precipitation. The frost-free period is 3-5 months in the eastern agricultural area and only 1-2 months in other areas. There is no absolute frost-free period in some areas of Sanjiangyuan. The annual total solar radiation of the whole province is second only to that of Tibet Plateau. The average annual total solar radiation can reach 5860-7400 MJ/m2. The solar energy resources are abundant and the sunshine hours are between 2336-3341 hours.

Best Time to Visit Qinghai

When most parts of the country are in high temperature and heat in summer, Qinghai ushers in the most comfortable season of the year from June to August. With cool wind, green grass, and rapeseed flowers all over the mountains, it is the best choice to come to Qinghai for summer vacation, and Xining is usually the first stop of Qinghai. Considering that many families travel during the summer vacation, there may be crowds in some attractions in July and August. Besides the most comfortable summertime, the late spring in March and the early autumn in September and October are also good seasons to visit Qinghai.

Best Time to Visit Qinghai Lake

As the top attraction in Qinghai, Qinghai lake attracts many tourists every year. It is available to visit Qinghai Lake all year round, but May to October is the best time because the weather is neither cold nor hot. If you want to see the sea of rapeseed flowers, July and August are most recommended. For bird-lovers, visiting Qinghai Lake from May to July allows you to see more birds around Qinghai Lake.>>Read More about Qinghai Lake Weather

Qinghai Travel Tips on Weather: For the UV is strong and sunshine hours are long, and the temperature difference is great, you may need to bring enough sunblock items like sunscreen, sunhat, sunglasses, etc. Some extra layers are needed to keep warm at night. Also please bring your own medicines, pills for carsickness, and acute mountain sickness. When you are in Qinghai, you should not work out too much in the plateau and have a good rest on your arrival day in Qinghai.>>Read More about Qinghai Travel Tips

Qinghai Weather

Qinghai Lake in Summer

Check the following details information below about Qinghai climate in four most popular regions, including Xining, Yushu, Tongren, and Golmud with their monthly temperature, rainfall, and sunshine hours to plan your Qinghai tour in 2023.

Average Qinghai Temperature by Month

MonthRecommended RateMax Temp.Min Temp.

Qinghai Seasons to Go

Qinghai in Spring
Qinghai is one of the coldest provinces in China. When other provinces are blooming in spring, many areas of Qinghai are still in winter mode. With the increase of temperature since mid-April, many places in Qinghai begin to warm up. The temperature has become more comfortable after mid-May. Although early spring is not the most comfortable travel season, attractions like Kumbum Monastery, Dongguan Mosque, Tibetan Medicine & Tibet Culture Museum are popular among tourists.
What to Wear in Qinghai in Spring: You are recommended to wear a beanie, sweater, gloves, fleece jacket, jeans, mittens, scarf, socks, trench coat, jacket, long coat, long-sleeve top, boots, earmuffs, cardigan, etc. After April, you can take off some thick clothes and wear long-sleeve shirts, and sweaters during the daytime.
Popular Qinghai Tour: 3 Days Qinghai Short Stay Tour
Spring in Qinghai

Mount Laji in Spring

Xining in Spring

  • March: -4°C ~ 10°C
  • April: 1°C ~ 16°C
  • May: 6°C ~ 20°C
  • Rainfall: 6mm ~ 69mm
  • Sunrise: 5:56am-7:43am
  • Sunset: 7:07pm-8:25pm
  • Tongren in Spring

  • March: -2°C ~ 11°C
  • April: 3°C ~ 16°C
  • May: 6°C ~ 18°C
  • Rainfall: 5mm ~ 46mm
  • Sunrise: 5:58am-7:41am
  • Sunset: 7:06pm-8:20pm
  • Yushu in Spring

  • March: -7°C ~ 9°C
  • April: -3°C ~ 12°C
  • May: 2°C ~ 16°C
  • Rainfall: 8mm ~ 53mm
  • Sunrise: 6:26am-8:02am
  • Sunset: 7:30pm-8:36pm
  • Golmud in Spring

  • March: -3°C ~ 9°C
  • April: 1°C ~ 13°C
  • May: 5°C ~ 17°C
  • Rainfall: 1mm ~ 4mm
  • Sunrise: 6:28am-8:16am
  • Sunset: 7:40pm-8:58pm
  • Qinghai in Summer
    Summer is from June to August when most regions of Qinghai are comfortable and warm, and it is the best season to visit Qinghai. It is windy and dry and about 70% of precipitation occurs in summer. It is the best time to see the blooming rapeseed flowers around Qinghai Lake and the "mirror of sky" - Chaka Salt Lake. It is also the best time to travel around other regions of Qinghai like Yushu, Tongren, Golmud, etc.
    What to Wear in Qinghai in Summer: You are recommended to wear windbreakers, jackets, sweaters, trousers, long sleeves, sunglasses, sneakers, headscarf, sunhat, etc.
    Popular Qinghai Tour: 4 Days Qinghai Lake Chaka Salt Lake Enchanting Tour
    Summer in Qinghai

    Rapeseed Flowers around Qinghai Lake in Summer

    Xining in Summer

  • June: 9°C ~ 23°C
  • July: 11°C ~ 25°C
  • August: 11°C ~ 24°C
  • Rainfall: 61mm ~ 70mm
  • Sunrise: 5:55am-6:43am
  • Sunset: 8:25pm-7:43pm
  • Tongren in Summer

  • June: 9°C ~ 21°C
  • July: 11°C ~ 23°C
  • August: 11°C ~ 23°C
  • Rainfall: 60mm ~ 81mm
  • Sunrise: 5:56am-6:43am
  • Sunset: 7:40pm-8:30pm
  • Yushu in Summer

  • June: 6°C ~ 19°C
  • July: 8°C ~ 21°C
  • August: 7°C ~ 22°C
  • Rainfall: 87mm ~ 98mm
  • Sunrise: 6:26am-7:07am
  • Sunset: 8:00pm-8:46pm
  • Golmud in Summer

  • June: 9°C ~ 21°C
  • July: 11°C ~ 24°C
  • August: 11°C ~ 23°C
  • Rainfall: 7mm ~ 11mm
  • Sunrise: 6:26am-7:15am
  • Sunset: 8:15pm-8:59pm
  • Qinghai in Autumn
    Qinghai has a short autumn. The early autumn from September to mid October is still comfortable season to visit Qinghai. It is cool in the day time, but cold in the night time. Autumn is the most recommended season for you to see the beautiful autumn leaves and colorful fall foliage decorated mountains. Besides the unmissable Qinghai Lake and Chaka Salt Lake, the attractions like Mt Laoye, Mt Laji, Kanbula National Forest Park are very beautiful in Autumn. From mid October, the temperature goes down rapidly, and you may already start to feel the coldness of the winter.
    What to Wear in Qinghai in Autumn: you are recommended to wear sweaters, windbreakers, long sleeves, sunglasses, sneakers in the early autumn, and wear down jackets, heavy coats, fleece layers, scarves, and beanies later.
    Popular Qinghai Tour: 4 Days Qinghai Lake Landscape Tour Plus Tongren Authentic Tibetan Culture and Art Exploration
    Qinghai weather & climate

    Tibetan Family in Tongren

    Xining in Autumn

  • Sept: 7°C ~ 19°C
  • Oct: 1°C ~ 14°C
  • Nov: -6°C ~ 8°C
  • Rainfall: 1mm ~ 99mm
  • Sunrise: 6:43am-8:05am
  • Sunset: 5:57pm-7:41pm
  • Tongren in Autumn

  • Sept: 6°C ~ 17°C
  • Oct: 2°C ~ 12°C
  • Nov: -5°C ~ 7°C
  • Rainfall: 24mm ~ 44mm
  • Sunrise: 6:43am-8:01am
  • Sunset: 5:59pm-7:38pm
  • Yushu in Autumn

  • Sept: 4°C ~ 18°C
  • Oct: -2°C ~ 12°C
  • Nov: -10°C ~ 7°C
  • Rainfall: 3mm ~ 74mm
  • Sunrise: 7:08am-8:17am
  • Sunset: 6:27pm-7:58pm
  • Golmud in Autumn

  • Sept: 6°C ~ 16°C
  • Oct: 0°C ~ 10°C
  • Nov: -7°C ~ 5°C
  • Rainfall: 1mm ~ 5mm
  • Sunrise: 7:16am-8:38am
  • Sunset: 8:14pm-6:30pm
  • Qinghai in Winter
    Winter is long and very cold in most regions of Qinghai. The average low temperature in winter is only -20°C, and the average high temperature is only -7°C. It is not very recommended to spend long time outdoor in Qinghai during winter. If you visit Qinghai in winter, you'd better stay indoor and regions like Xining and Golmud has indoor heating system provided.
    What to Wear in Qinghai in Winter: you are recommended to wear heavy coats, down jackets, sweaters, flannels, fleece Layers, fleece-lined Leggings, thick pants, beanies, scarves, wool socks, winter boots, etc.
    Popular Qinghai Tour: 5 Days Amdo Tibetan Culture Experience Tour
    Qinghai weather & climate

    Mirror of Sky - Chaka Salt Lake

    Xining in Winter

  • Dec: -12°C ~ 3°C
  • Jan: -14°C ~ 2°C
  • Feb: -10°C ~ 5°C
  • Rainfall: 2mm ~ 7mm
  • Sunrise: 7:45am-8:24am
  • Sunset: 5:57pm-7:06pm
  • Tongren in Winter

  • Dec: -10°C ~ 3°C
  • Jan: -11°C ~ 2°C
  • Feb: -8°C ~ 5°C
  • Rainfall: 0mm ~ 1mm
  • Sunrise: 7:42am-8:20am
  • Sunset: 5:59pm-7:05pm
  • Yushu in Winter

  • Dec: -14°C ~ 4°C
  • Jan: -16°C ~ 2°C
  • Feb: -11°C ~ 5°C
  • Rainfall: 2mm ~ 5mm
  • Sunrise: 8:03am-8:36am
  • Sunset: 6:27pm-7:30pm
  • Golmud in Winter

  • Dec: -13°C ~ 0°C
  • Jan: -14°C ~ 0°C
  • Feb: -10°C ~ 3°C
  • Rainfall: 0mm ~ 1mm
  • Sunrise: 8:18am-8:58am
  • Sunset: 6:29pm-7:39pm
  • How to Plan A Qinghai Tour

    How to Get to Qinghai: Xining is the transfer hub of Qinghai, and you can get there by flight from Beijing (2.5h), Shanghai (3h), Guangzhou (3h15min), Lhasa (2-3.5h), Xian (1.5h), etc. or by train to Xining from Xian (4-5h), Lanzhou (70min-2.5hrs), Zhangye (2h), Jiayuguan (3.3.5h), Dunhuang (6h), etc.

    Best Time to Visit Qinghai: May to October is available to travel most area in Qinghai, especially July and August when the weather is most comfortable.

    Almost all travelers start a Qinghai tour from Xining and then explore its surroundings. Generally, it takes about 3 ~ 6 days to have a classic Qinghai tour.

    For travelers with limited time and just want to take a short glimpse of the essence of Qinghai, it is recommended to spend 3 days discovering Qinghai Lake – China’s largest lake with incredible beauty and Xining highlights such as Kumbum Monastery – a Tibetan monastery holding great importance and Tibetan Medicine and Tibet Culture Museum – an informative museum fully displaying all aspects of Tibetan culture and medicine.

    ☛ 3 Days Qinghai Short Stay Tour

    For more natural sightseeing experience, you spend 1 more day visiting Chaka Salt Lake to get amazed by the Mirror of Sky or turning to Kanbula National Forest Park to savor shimmering Danxia Landform. If you have interest in Amdo Tibetan culture or Regong art, Tongren deserves your another day. For an in-depth adventure, visiting Amne Machin – one of the four sacred mountains in Tibetan Buddhism in 1 more day.

    ☛ 4 Days Qinghai Lake Chaka Salt Lake Enchanting Tour
    ☛ 4 Days Qinghai Lake Kanbula National Forest Park Geographic Wonder Tour
    ☛ 5 Days Amdo Tibetan Culture Experience Tour
    ☛ 7 Days In-depth Discovery Tour of Qinghai Culture & Nature

    It is strongly recommended to extend your Qinghai trip to its attractive neighbors, including Tibet, Gansu and Sichuan. The high-altitude scenery and the Buddhist atmosphere of Tibet is second to none. Take a 4 ~ 8 days trip and you will enjoy most Tibet highlights. If you want to unveil the mystery of the Silk Road, 5 ~ 11 days are needed to visit Gansu and Xinjiang. For traveler who prefers an in-depth discovery of Amdo, Gannan and Aba in Sichuan are recommended.

    ☛ 6 Days Xining and Lhasa Train Tour
    ☛ 6 Days Qinghai Lake Zhangye Danxia Rainbow Mountains Tour
    ☛ 8 Days Qinghai Gansu Jiuzhaigou Land Tour
    ☛ 10 Days Northwestern China Treasures - Qinghai Gansu Highlights Tour

    Qinghai Lake Erlangjian Scenic Area in Qinghai Lake Potala Palace Julie and her friend from France visited Potala Palace in Lhasa Matisi Temple Mrs. Chan's group from Canada visited Matisi Temple along the Silk Road

    Recommended Qinghai Tours

    Top 3 Qinghai tours chosen by most customers to explore Qinghai in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary,or tailor your own trip now with us.

    Sightseeing train travel at Chaka Lake
    4 Days Enchanting Qinghai Lake Chaka Salt Lake Tour

    Xining / Qinghai Lake / Chaka Lake / Xining

    Zhangye Danxia Geopark - the Rainbow Mountains
    6 Days Qinghai Lake Zhangye Danxia Rainbow Mountains Dramatic Tour

    Xining - Qinghai Lake - Chaka Lake - Zhangye

    Magnificent Wutong Monastery in Tongren
    5 Days Amdo Tibetan Culture Experience Tour

    Xining - Tongren - Xiahe - Linxia

    Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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