5 Days Sanya Leisure Tour from Chengdu

Time flies and one year has passed. With our company’s award, I went to Sanya this year with my parents. In winter, it’s absolutely a good choice because it is much warmer than where we are living. This is also the first time we see the sea. It’s my great pleasure to share with you about our wonderful experience there.

Day 1 Flight from Chengdu to Sanya

First day, we took 2 and half hours direct flight from Chengdu. We could still feel this city’s “warm” welcome. Because it is very late at night, we took a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow’s tour.

Day 2 Boudary Island

On 2nd day, we went to the Boundary Island. We first boarded a ship which took around 20 minutes. We have spent around 2-3 hours on this island.

There are many optional activities on this island, like the underwater world, dive and others. We choose to Just enjoy the sunshine and try some local snacks and fruits there.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Wonderful Winter Hoilday in Sanya

You could also rent a chair to lie down and enjoy the sunshine which will only take you RMB 20 only. But it is surprised no one sit there. Maybe everyone is too busy.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Good Place to Enjoy Sunshine

We also climbed to the top of this Island where you could get a better view of the sea. It is a nice try which will take you around 1 and half hours. If you’re energetic and young, 1 hour should be no problem.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Good View of the Sea from Higher Level

Day 3 Wuzhizhou Island Tour

On Day 3, we went to Wuzhizhou Island. It seems to be an independent and secret island. It is the paradise for leisure resort where many entertaining facilities are well equipped, including bars, diving, fishing, surfing, boating, riding, beach volleyball, beach football, etc. Wuzhizhou Island, also named “Lover Island”, is a perfect place for honeymoon vacation for couples.

Compare to Boundary Island, there are more people there. They’re also quite similar. The weather is still very good and even little hotter than yesterday. Many people are taking wedding pictures there also.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Wuzhizhou Island – Popular Place to Take Beautiful Pictures

We’re almost doing the same thing as yesterday. Enjoy the sunshine on the sand and in the sea.

5 Days Sanya Trip

I enjoyed the picturesque view and sunshine

In the late afternoon, we have been to Tianya and Haijiao. In Chinese, it means the Edge of the Sky and the End of the Sea. It features in tree aged stones, which is named differently by Tianya, Haijiao and Nantian Yizhu. From here, you can also receive stunning beach and sea views. The magnificent sunrise or sunset is one thing to do that you can’t miss here.

When we walk to the square, you will find a special crystal ball which could bring you good luck. Many people are taking photos and try to raise this ball in their hands fom the photo. There are also some Yin and Yang traditional culture about this square’s design. When you come there, I believe you will learn more about it. When you come back from this tour, your guide will also told you to walk for a circle in clockwise way which will bring you good luck. Of course, we did that and hope this will bring us good luck.

Keep walking, you will find the stone named “Tianya”.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Tianya – “the end of the world”

And then, you will find the stone “Haijiao”

5 Days Sanya Trip

Haijiao – “the End of the Sea”

We have spent around 2 hours there when the day is coming dark. If you have enough, do stay there longer for the sunset and also enjoy the peace moment.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Amazing Sunset

Day 4 Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park

On Day 4, we have been to Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park. Correctly speaking, we didn’t explore this Park. We only take the sightseeing bus to the top of the park and overlook the full image of Yalong Bay. This is amazing and definitely a difference experience.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Panoramic View of Yalong Bay

Of course, the park itself is very attractive for you. If we have more time, I would like to explore it slowly. There are many interesting houses and suspension bridge in this park also.

In the afternoon, we went to the Li and Miao Village. Li and Miao are two local ethnic habitants which have their own culture and live the originate life style.

Inside the village, you will find many old and tall coconut trees.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Beautiful Coconut Palm

You could also see some minority people are making handcraft in traditional ways. There are too many differences between different minorities in China and I still have a lot to learn.

5 Days Sanya Trip

A woman was waving

There is one interesting thing about their culture. There will be no one selling the fruit or vegetables in the market. They will mark the price and people will pay and get the food they want. We just bought some custard apple which tastes good. It tastes more like pear, not apple.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Special Fruit in Sanya

There are also other interesting stories inside this village.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Views in the Village

Day 5 Nanshan Culture Tourism Tour

On Day 5, we went to only one place which is called Nanshan Culture Tourism Zone which consists of three visits worthy parks – Nanshan Buddhist Culture Park, Felicity and Longevity Culture Park and Nanshan Custom Park. The highlight is the 108-meter-high Sea-based Kwangyin Statue in the Nanshan Buddhist Culture Park. Other several recommended things to do are Li and Miao Ethnic Garden, the Fairyland of Legend, the Memorial House of Huang Daopo, Ocean Park, Paradise of Birds and Flowers.

Get up early morning, the sky is red and there is no wonder the weather today must be good.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Breathtaking Morning Glow

After one hour driving from the hotel, finally we arrived there. The weather is indeed very good. This place doesn’t like any other places in Sanya we have been to in the past few days.

On the way, we stopped at the below board for few minutes to check our fortune according to Chinese zodiac which is interesting.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Interesting Fortune Indication according to Chinese Zodiac

Keeping going and find a big fan in the sky. It should be some kind of plantain. I just like the blue sky which make it kind of special.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Fan-shaped Hardy Banana

Then here comes to the first highlight of today which is called Golden Jade Guanyin. It is related to some Tibetan culture, so you will find this temple’s style is a little like the temples in Tibet. In our culture it’s better not take photos of the Guanyin, so we only take some photos outside.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Appearance of the Temple

After that, we visited. You will find many Nepal characters on this building because Sakyamuni is born in Nepal.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Tianzhu Shrines-Buddhist Pavilion

5 Days Sanya Trip

I take a picture with the funny stone statues

After that, we walk to the 108-meter-high Sea-based Kwangyin Statue which is really beautiful. From a far distance, you could see there are many people on the bridge.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Golden Jade Guanyin from a Distance

When we get closer, the weather is getting blue.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Golden Jade Guanyin

We also climbed 7 floors steps to the foot of the Kwangyin Statue. People could also pray for luck and health there. Just can’t help to share another picture about the beach where there is no people because it is not open for tourist.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Peaceful Sandbeach

After that, we went to Nanshan Temple which is also the highlight of this scenic area. The architecture style is the almost the same as other temples in China. We didn’t walk too long. If you’re interested in Buddhism culture, this is surely a must.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Nanshan Temple

After that, take a rest under the big tamarind fruit trees before leaving for the airport. I like these ancient big trees and also the grasses under the tree. All in all, this is a nice and memorable experience for me and also my parents.

5 Days Sanya Trip

Big Tamarind Fruit Trees

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Hi, I'm Wonder. Are you interested in my 5 Days Beautiful Sanya Exploring Tour? Feel free to contact me, and I will be glad to tell you more stunning stories about the places I have visited. Or, if you want to customize a tour on your own, I'm always ready to help at any time. With my passion, knowledge and understanding of the essence of travel, I promise I will try my best to make the tour memorable and meaningful for you.

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