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Why Visit Wuyi Mountain?

Wuyi Mountain, or Wuyishan (武夷山), or Mount Wuyi is located in Fujian Province. It was listed as a World Cultural and Natural Heritage Site in 1999 for its rich culture for thousands of years, multitudinous Danxia landscape and about 5000 species wide animals as well as 2527 types of plants. Also, it is announced as the National AAAAA Tourist Area and has long been an enchanted place for beautiful sightseeing and summer resorts. Wuyi Mountain is also a famous mountain of three religions (Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism) in China. Don’t s miss the chance to visit multiple temples, monasteries and nunneries on the mountain.

The natural landscape is infused with a strong humanistic and cultural atmosphere in Wuyi Mountain. Taking a primitive and leggiere bamboo raft and floating down the stream, visitors can not only feast their eyes with the natural scenery of mahogany mountains and emerald rivers, meet mysterious hanging boat coffins along the banks of the river, admire the over 2000-year-old Han Dynasty Anceint Ruins and the academy where Zhuxi lectured for 10 years, but also appreciate poetry painting like Guilin and enjoy the breathtaking excitement of Baisheng Benchland. As tea culture has become more and more popular in recent years, tea exploration has become a reason for more and more people to visit Mount Wuyi. Leisurely stroll on the tea fields from Dahongpao (大红袍) to Shuiliandong (水帘洞), you can smell the tea aroma everywhere in the valley.

Top Recommended Wuyi Mountain Tour:

3 Days Classic Wuyi Mountain Tour

5 Days Xiamen, Nanjing Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

Can’t-miss Natural Scenery in Wuyi Mountain

West of Chongyang Stream, east of Star village, Mount Wuyi scenic area almost attracted the attention of the vast majority of tourists. With astonishing natural and cultural scenery, it is really worth your attention. In general, Mount Wuyi scenic spots can be divided into 4 main areas: Tianyou Peak (天游峰), Jiuqu Stream (九曲溪) to Wuyi Palace (武夷宫), Yixiantian (一线天) to Huxiaoyan (虎啸岩), Da Hong Pao (大红袍) to Shuiliandong (水帘洞).

Heavenly Tour Peak (Tianyoufeng)

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 0.5 Day

Tianyou Peak (天游峰) or Heavenly Tour Peak, praised as the No.1 scenic spot in Wuyi Mountain, is the first place to visit for most visitors. With an altitude of 410 meters, Tianyou Peak stands out from cluster of peaks. Surrounded by clouds and mist, Tianyou Peak is encircled by famous peaks and Nine Bend Stream, making it an excellent viewing platform for the Wuyi landscape. Along the way up, you can see many famous ancient trees growing prosperously. And when you reach the peak, you can feast your eyes all with the sea clouds various unpredictably like a fairyland.

Nine Bend Stream (Jiuquxi)

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 3 hours

Nine Bend Stream (九曲溪) is the high highlight of Wuyi Mountain. You can take the bamboo raft (Extra Fee: CNY 100 / person + insurance fee CNY 2 / person) floating on the clear cool water along the whole distance of 62.8 km to appreciate the mountain sightseeing, waterscape and the distinct image of the blue sky. Since every bend differs a lot, it gives you multiple experiences of leisure, relaxation, excitement, thrill and great fun. You can just focus on the picturesque landscape and the interest of rafting because the vehicle is very safe.

Big Red Robe Scenic Area (Dahongpao)

  • Opening Time: 8:00 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 3 hours

The Big Red Robe (大红袍) Scenic Area is in the central part of Wuyi Mountain. In this area, you can not only see Yongle Buddhist Temple, the biggest temple in this mountain, but also visit the place that the world-known Da Hong Pao tea grows at. Da Hong Pao is one of the top 10 famous teas as well as treasure in China, and it was also a tea as tribute to the emperor in the Ming dynasty. There are only less than 10 seed trees growing on the cliff, and they are all over 1000 years old.

Water Curtain Cave (Shuiliandong)

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 1 hour

Water Curtain Cave (水帘洞) is the widest cave in Wuyi Mountain and can contain 1000 people inside. Rafting on the pure stream, you can enjoy a waterfall flying down, and two cliff springs pouring like flying dragons. Moreover, you can see the landscape of a bonsai style tea garden through the bright water curtain like made of crystals.

Great King Peak (Dawangfeng)

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 1 hours

Great King Peak or Dawang Peak (大王峰) seems like a majestic emperor in Wuyi Mountain. Among all the 36 peaks, this one looks great and momentous, like a giant pillar reaching the sky. Standing on the peak, you can have a bird view of mountains and streams forming a pleasing waterscape painting. But the narrow path up needs you to be brave and cautious.

Tiger Roaring Rock (Huxiaoyan)

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~18:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 2 hours

Tiger Roaring Rock or Huxiao Yan (虎啸岩) is a magical place in Wuyi Mountain, since you can hear the wind roaring like a tiger while it is going through the cave on the rock, which is very shocking. What’s more, you can stand on a viewing deck near Dingmin Bridge, the end of Huxiao Yan, so all the magnificent panorama of the lush mountains is before you.

Thin Strip of Sky (Yixiantian)

  • Opening Time: 8:00 ~17:00
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 2 hours

Leaning forward in Fuxi Cave and looking up, you can see a crevice at the top of the cliff. Flashlight is necessary when visiting Yixiantian (一线天). Overweight visitors may likely be unable to get through. Another splendor of Yixiantian is that visitors may see mysterious and uncanny white bats in the crevice. If you want to photograph white bats, you'd better take pictures under the sun. White bats become transparent and exquisite in the sun.

Top Recommended Wuyi Mountain Nature Tour:

3 Days Classic Wuyi Mountain Tour

Wuyi Mountain - Tianyou Peak Mysterious Panorama of Tianyou Peak Astonishing Cloud Nest Astonishing Cloud Nest Wuyi Mountain - Bamboo Rafting Rafting on the Nine Bend Stream Wuyi Mountain - Dahongpao Tea Garden in Dahongpao Scenic Area Wuyi Mountain - Dahongpao Big Red Robe Wuyi Mountain - Roaring Tiger Roak Steep Way up to Tiger Roaring Peak Thin Strip of Sky - Yixiantian Thin Strip of Sky - Yixiantian

Top Cultural Attractions in Wuyi Mountain

Wuyi Mountain preserves a rich cultural history, including the city ruins in the Han Dynasty of 1st century BC, numerous temples and mysterious boat coffins. Wuyi Mountain is also the cradle of Zhu Xi's neo-confucianism, the place where Li Shangyin, Fan Zhongyan and Xu Xiake stayed, the point where Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Catholicism meet, and the birthplace of Chinese black tea culture.

Wuyi Palace

  • Opening Time: 7:30 ~17:30
  • Recommend Time of Visit: 3 hours

Wuyi Palace (武夷宫), built between 742 AD and 755 AD is the oldest palace on Wuyi Mountain. This palace was one of the top 6 famous Taoist temples in the Song dynasty and the generations of emperors worshipped the respectable Wuyijun in this palace. For wars, turmoil, fire and other reasons, Wuyi Palace has been rebuilt several times. And now you can still admire its original magnificent look from the newly built palace with the remaining ancient tree of about 900 years old from the Song dynasty. In Wuyi Palace, there is Song Street, which is an imitating street full of Song style buildings. It is a great attraction to feel the featured Song culture.

Impression Da Hong Pao

  • Fee: 218-688 RMB / person
  • Show Time: 20:00-21:10; 21:30-22:40; 22:50-23:50, every day
  • Place: No. 16, South Huandao Road, Sangu Holiday Resort

It is a feast to enjoy the Impression Da Hong Pao show (印象大红袍), which is a large-scale live performance directed by Zhang Yimou, who is the chief director of both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing in 2008. Appreciating this show, you can see the distinct beautiful night view of Wuyi Mountain in front of the world’s largest stage of 12000 m long. And since Zhang Yimou perfectly arranges the lights and shadows, you can get a super talented visual and audio enjoyment among mountains and waters, know about the history and development of Chinese tea, love story between Dawang and Yunv, origin of Da Hong Pao tea, happiness from a cup of tea, and feel more about life from the story of tea, etc. The show is outdoors so be sure to check the real-time weather of Wuyishan before you head on in.

>> Check more about Top 7 Impression Shows in China

Site of the Ancient City in Han Dynasty

  • Fee: CNY 40 / person
  • Place: Xingtian Town, Wuyishan City, Fujian (武夷山市兴田镇城村)

The Site of the Ancient City in the Han Dynasty has a long history of over 2200 years. Covering 480 thousand square meters, this site is the only ancient city site in the Han dynasty in China and the best-preserved in the south of Yangtze River. There are a great quantity of precious cultural relics of that dynasty that were found, from ceramics, iron, bronze, etc. There are 3 highlights in the scenic area, which are Minyue King City Museum (闽越王城博物馆), the Palace Ruins of Minyue King City (闽越王城宫殿遗址) and the Ancient Yue Folk Custom Village (古粤民俗村). It is suggested that tourists go to the free Minyue King City Museum first. The models and pictures in the museum can help you understand the story here. Otherwise, after you enter the ruins of Minyue King City, it is difficult to imagine the grand and vast expanse of King City in the Han Dynasty 2000 years ago. The ancient Cantonese folk village 800 meters away from the ancient ruins reflects the architectural style of ancient dwellings. Centenarian Fang and Li Family ancestral hall are worth paying a visit.

Ancient Fujian Culture - Boat Coffin

  • Place to Enjoy: Dazang Peak, Baiyun Rock, Dawang Peak

More than 4000 years ago, ancestors in the south part of China started to live here in Wuyi Mountain and developed the world and Chinese only “ancient Fujian ethnic group” and “Fujian& Vietnam ethnic group” of their own features. After over 2000 years, they left multiple excellent cultural relics, like the hanging ship coffins, hongqiaoban plank. The ship coffins hung on the cliff for over 3750 years are the oldest found in the whole world. This kind of coffin of boat shape is a kind of burial custom that ancient people bury the dead person in the coffin and hang it on the cliff to make him or her closer to heaven. To see the special boat coffins, you can go to Dazang Peak, Baiyun Yan and Dawang Peak, etc. where you can think about how the ancient Chinese put such a heavy coffin up to the cliff.

Top Recommended Wuyi Mountain Cultural Tour:

5 Days Xiamen, Nanjing Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

Wuyi Mountain - Wuyi Palace Wuyi Palace Wuyi Mountain - Wuyi Palace Wuyi Palace Built in the 7th Century Wuyi Mountain - Impression Da Hong Pao Excellent Show of Impression Da Hong Pao Wuyi Mountain - Impression Da Hong Pao Impression Da Hong Pao Wuyi Mountain - Ancient City 2200 Years Old Ancient City in Han Dynasty Wuyi Mountain - Hanging Coffin Hanging Boat Coffins on the Cliff

Recommended Route to Visit Wuyi Mountain

1 Day Wuyishan Essence Tour (Short Time Stay)

Details: Tianyou Peak - Nine Bend Stream - Wuyi Palace - Song Street

Climb up to Tianyou Peak to appreciate the breathtaking view first and then float along the Nine Bend Stream on the bamboo raft to appreciate the natural scenery, and then visit Wuyi Palace as well as Song Street to feel the rich culture and history of ancient China.

2 Days Wuyishan Leisure Tour (Most Popular)

Day 1: Tianyou Peak - Nine Bend Stream - Wuyi Palace - Song Street - Impression Da Hong Pao;

Day 2: Big Red Robe Scenic Area - Water Curtain Cave - Yixiantian - Tiger Roaring Rock;

The first day schedule is basically the same as above. However, during the night of the first day you can appreciate the world’s largest live show – Impression Da Hong Pao to know more about tea culture and admire the different charm of Wuyi Mountain.

On the second day, go through the narrow way of Yixiantian and see the transparent white bats here, and then go to Tiger Roaring Rock to hear the shocking sound of wind like the roar of a tiger. Visit the Big Red Robe Scenic Area to see the growing place of Dahongpao tea, and admire the crystal-like waterscape at Water Curtain Cave.

>> 3 Days Mountain Wuyi Classic Tour

3 Days Wuyishan In-depth Tour

Day 1: Tianyou Peak - Nine Bend Stream - Wuyi Palace - Song Street - Impression Da Hong Pao;

Day 2: Big Red Robe Scenic Area - Water Curtain Cave - Yixiantian - Tiger Roaring Rock;

Day 3: Xiamei Village or Longchuan Grand Canyon (Qinglong Waterfall) - Departure

The first 2-day’s schedules are the same as above. Wake up early on the third day and head to Xiamei Village to admire the ancient dwellings. Or go to Longchuan Grand Valley to experience the more authentic picturesque landscape of forest and stream, appreciate the grand Qinglong Waterfall.

>> 4 Days Highlight Wuyi Mountain Tour

Transportation & How to Get to/around Wuyi Mountain

Wuyi mountain is located in Wuyishan city, in the north part of Fujian province. It’s about 260km northwest from Fuzhou city (capital of Fujian Province), and about 450km north from Xiamen city. The core scenic area in Wuyi Mountain is located next to Sangu Resort, only about 10 km away from Wuyishan city center. The transportation of Wuyi Mountain is very convenient. It can be reached by planes, high-speed trains and buses.

Get to Wuyi Mountain

By Flight: Wuyishan Airport is 12 km away from Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area (Southeast Gate), which takes about 20-30 minutes by taxi. It has opened more than 30 domestic airlines to and from many main cities in our country, like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Xian, etc., so you can easily get to Wuyi Mountain by air.

By Train: More than 160 bullet trains run to Wuyi Mountain every day, and it takes you only about 3 to 3.5 hours from Xiamen, and about 1-1.5 hours from Fuzhou to arrive. Nanping Railway Station and Wuyishan North Railway Station are two commonly used railway stations near Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, which would take about 30-40 minutes by car to reach Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area. Check out more details at Wuyishan High-speed Train >>

Airport/Train Stations to Wuyishan Scenic Area: Visitors can transfer to Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area and Sangu Resort by private car, taxi or bus. (Be careful of taxi rip-offs)

Get around Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area

There are 2 types of tourist sightseeing buses running in Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, sightseeing train and sightseeing bus.

Sightseeing Train: Only running between South Entrance of Wuyi Mountain and Tianyou Peak, stop at Yunv Peak in the middle way.
Sightseeing Buses: running in the whole Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area and will stop at Yunv Peak, Tianyou Peak, Huxiao Cliff, Yixian Tian, Bamboo Raft Pier, Da Hong Pao, Water Curtain Cave and North Entrance Gate of Wuyi Mountain.

However, visitors may also choose local public buses, taxis, etc to transfer through scenic spots in Mountain Wuyi.

By Public Bus: Visitors can take the Xingcun Village Special Line inside the scenic area, mainly through Yunv Peak (玉女峰), Tianyou Peak Scenic Area (天游峰景区), Huxiaoyan (虎啸岩), Yitianxian (一线天) and other scenic spots.
By Taxi: There are also taxis running between Wuyishan city center and scenic spots in Wuyi Mountain. You can take a taxi to Wuyi Palace, Yunv Peak, Shuiliandong, Yixiantian, Xingcun Port, etc.

Private Tour with China Discovery (Top Recommended)

If you want to get rid of the hustle of public transportation and troublesome navigation, you can book a private tour package which covers sightseeing, dining, accommodation and transfer from us. Our local tour guide and driver will escort you to Wuyi Mountain with speed and convenience, and our English-speaking guide will take care of all the details and accompany you the whole journey. You just need to focus on sightseeing.

Learn more details at How to Get to/around Wuyi Mountain & Wuyishan Transportation >>

Wuyi Mountain - Maps Click to Enlarge the Location Map of Wuyi Mountain
Wuyi Mountain - Maps Click to Enlarge the Sketch Map of Wuyi Mountain
Get around Wuyi Mountain Sightseeing Trains in Wuyi Mountain
Travel with China Discovery Travel with China Discovery

Weather & Best Time to Visit Wuyi Mountain

Besides typhoon days and cold snap in winter, Wuyi Mountain is suitable to visit all year around, with an average annual temperature of 17.6 ℃. Spring is the traditional peak season for tourism in Wuyi Mountain. From April and May, it's the time to make tea. The fragrance of tea is everywhere in Big Red Robe Scenic Area. You can personally experience the unique "exotic customs" and feel the local folk culture. Summer and early autumn are also good times to travel if you don't like crowds. Although the temperature is high in summer, it is the season when everything grows luxuriantly and the scenery in Wuyi Mountain reaches the best. At this time, there is a large amount of water flowing fast in the river. You can take a thrilling adventure of drifting. Moreover, if you can avoid travelling on Saturday, Sunday and golden weeks, you can enjoy a more attractive and quiet Wuyi Mountain tour. Learn more details at Wuyi Mountain Weather, Best Time to Visit & Seasons to Go >>

Wuyi Mountain Weather Wuyi Mountain Sunrise

Accommodation & Where to Stay in Wuyi Mountain

Most of the hotels in Wuyi Mountain are located in the Sangu National Tourist Resort (三姑国家旅游度假区), which is about 16 kilometers away from the city, 8 kilometers away from the airport, 10 kilometers away from the railway station, and it’s only across a river from the Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area. Although the area of the resort is only 12 square kilometers, all kinds of hotels and inns are gathered here, from the luxury level like the Yuhua Hotel of Wuyi Mountain (more than CNY 800 per night) to 4-star comfortable hotels and chain hotels (room rate is around CNY 200). Besides, Wuyi downtown also has some family hotels and small guest houses. If you want to experience the original local customs, you might as well try it. Room prices may rise during the peak season, golden week and weekend. If you are planning to travel during this time, do remember to book hotels in advance. Learn more details at Wuyishan Where to Stay, Top Places to Stay around Wuyi Mountain >>

Wuyi Mountain Where to Stay Sangu Resort

Wuyi Mountain Ticket & Price

Ticket Price of Wuyishan Pass:

  • CNY 140 +75 sightseeing bus for 1 day tour / person
  • CNY 150 +85 sightseeing bus for 2 days tour / person
  • CNY 160 +95 sightseeing bus for 3 days tour / person

Wuyi Mountain Pass includes the following attractions:

(1) Yunwo (云窝) - Wuyi Palace (武夷宫): Yunwo, Yinpiung Peak, Tianyou Peak, Xiaotaoyuan, Dawang Peak, Song Archaize Street, Zhu Xi Memorial Hall, Liu Yong Memorial Hall, etc.

(2) Yixiantian (一线天) - Huxiaoyan (虎啸岩): Ling Cave, Fuxi Cave, Yixiantian, Huxiao Eight Sights, etc.

(3) Shuilian Cave (水帘洞) - Huxiaoyan (虎啸岩): Ling Cave, Fuxi Cave, Yixiantian, Huxiao Eight Sights, etc.

Wuyi Mountain Pass excludes the following attractions:

(1) Jiuqu Stream Bamboo Rafting: CNY 100 / person;

(2) Other Attractions CNY 60 / person / place: Qinglong Waterfall; Longchuan Grand Valley, Yulong Valley Scenic Area, Xiamei Village Ancient Dwelling, 18 Village of Wuyi, Longjing Mountain

The above fee information in for your reference only, for the updated and detail information, please contact our travel consultants!

Eat in Wuyi Mountain

Mount Wuyi is rich in species. There are delicious from mountains and river. Big Red Robe (Wuyi Rock Tea), bamboo shoots, russule and mountain snails are local speciality. Local special dishes include Mashed Chicken with Bamboo Shots, Chrysanthemum Grass Carp, Vietnamese noodle, etc. You may find restaurants in Wuyishan City or at Sangu Resort. Only several restaurants are in the scenic area but with a high price and not very good taste, visitors are not recommended to have lunch in the scenic area.

Wuyishan Rock Tea Wuyishan Rock Tea

Attraction near Wuyi Mountain

Xiamei Village Ancient Dwellings

Xiamei Village (下梅村) is a worth-visiting place after appreciating the natural scenery in Wuyi Mountain, because this ancient village built in the Sui dynasty (581 AD- 618 AD) is proofed to have been the active place of people of the Neolithic Age. As a result, you can walk on the stone paved old streets to see the remaining relics, over 30 featured dwellings, ancient wells, etc. and then you can know how nice it is to live in this serene small village among lush mountains and singing streams in ancient China. (About 10 km away, driving for 16 min.)

Qinglong Waterfall

Located on the west side of Longchuan Grand Canyon (龙川大峡谷) ecological park, the nationally rare Qinglong Waterfall (青龙大瀑布) makes you immersed in the irresistible charm of nature. This waterfall enjoys continuous flying water all year round, with the refreshing air, the flourishing forest surrounding and the waterfall of over 200 m long in ladder pattern, therefore this landscape is the best way to drive your summer heat away. (About 33 km away, driving for 50 min.)

Top Recommended In-depth Wuyi Mountain Tour:

4 Days Highlight Wuyi Mountain Tour with Xiamei Village

Wuyi Mountain - Xiamei Over 1400 years Old Xiamei Village
Wuyi Mountain - Qinglong Waterfall Breathtaking View of Qinglong Waterfall

More Wuyi Mountain Travel Tips:

1. Prepare your camera with enough electricity and storage room to take more beautiful pictures and protect it well;

2. Take enough comfortable clothes and antiskid shoes to both keep warm and make your long-term mountain tour with more safety;

3. Take flashlights with you if you are planning to visit Yixiantian;

4. Since some ways on the mountain are very steep, please watch out walking;

5. Since the Impression Da Hong Pao show is very popular, it is recommended to book the ticket in advance for at least 1-2 days.

6. Please respect the local culture during your tour.

7. More Wuyishan Maps, please visit Wuyi Mountain Map 2023

How to Plan a Wuyi Mountain Tour?

Most people would spend at least 2 days at Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area, climbing on the top of Tianyou Peak, bamboo rafting on Jiuqu Stream, exploring tea culture in Dahongpao Scenic area and visiting historical site Wuyi Palace, etc. For those who have more time, they can take 1 more day to visit Xiamei Village and meet ancient dwellings there.

3 Days Classic Wuyi Mountain Tour

4 Days Highlight Wuyi Mountain Tour

Besides, you can also plan as many other visitors to spend 5-6 days visiting Wuyishan together with Xiamen and Fujian Tulou to appreciate more natural and cultural charm of Fujian Province.

5 Days Xiamen, Nanjing Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

If you are interested in photography, you can add 2-4 days to shoot Xiapu Mudflat in Ningde.

4 Days Fujian Xiapu Mudflat Photography Tour

If you want to discover more culture and nature highlights to FuzhouQuanzhou, etc., plan 1-2 more days for each destination.

2 Days Fuzhou Highlights Tour

2 Days Quanzhou Marine Culture Tour from Xiamen

Beyond Fujian, China boasts a lot of wonderful nature, culture, history and city charm to discover, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chengdu, Huangshan, Hangzhou, Yunnan, etc. Extend your Fujian trip to more popular destinations to enrich your exploration of China in one go!

Nanjing Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster Nanjing Tianluokeng Tulou Cluster
Xiapu Mudflat Xiapu Mudflat

Travel Wuyi Mountain with China Discovery

China Discovery is an experienced, professional and reliable travel companion devoted to offering high-quality and the best tour services for all travelers to China. In order to have a hassle-free travel and focus on the trip itself, it’s highly recommended travelling with China Discovery. So, you can enjoy convenient airport pick-up and drop-off service and transportation to all scenic spots in a safe, clean, comfortable, air-conditioned and non-smoking vehicle. Also, we will arrange knowledgeable local English-speaking tour guide, excellent accommodation and dining arrangements to ensure you rest well and get better understanding of highlights in Fujian. The tour can be tailor-made according to your interests, time, group size, budget and every special need. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us to customize your tour!

Recommended Wuyishan Tours

Top 3 Wuyishan tours chosen by most customers to explore Wuyishan in the best way. Check the detailed itinerary, or tailor your own trip now with us.

Mount Wuyi Joyous Jiuqu Stream Rafting
5 Days Xiamen, Fujian Tulou & Mount Wuyi Discovery Tour

Xiamen / Nanjing Tulou / Yongding Tulou / Xiamen / Wuyishan

Wuyi Mountain
3 Days Classic Wuyi Mountain Tour


Wuyishan Jiuqu Stream Rafting
4 Days Xiamen & Wuyi Mountain Highlights Tour by High Speed Train

Xiamen / Wuyishan

Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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